August mornings before breakfast production are a perfect time to reflect, over a cup of coffee and a peaceful lake.
Fall is seemingly upon us early. As I look across the water on early August mornings, our days are opening with smoky-grey skies studded with varying tones of green, brown and red along the shorelines. The grebes in the back bay seem happy now that their young have grown. The season of summer has casually dipped us through its forest treasures. Wild berries began with tiny strawberries, then saskatoons, blueberries and raspberries deeper off the trails, and now wild plums and apples. Chokecherries and pin cherries are ripening casually, while plump rose hips are turning rosy shades of flamingo orange and pink.
Wildflowers were abundant this year, and a stubby Mason jar in the dining hall has been a constant showcase of varying natural bouquets. Wild onions and their pretty purple flowers were the longest lasting, and a new find for me thanks to the strong smell they cast on Bunny Point. Taking moments to pick, glean and gather became the basis to many walks I took with my boys either here at camp or on our farmyard near Winnipeg. Samuel, who is almost four, always is so proud when he can give me a freshly - picked flower or blossoming weed to add to our collection.
As the feeling of Fall is starting to nudge Summer aside, I look forward to the changing of color palettes, completing the harvest, and quiet still moments between busy kitchen days as I begin to plan upcoming months of food styling, recipe development, menu trials, staff training, and public speaking events for Volume and continuing to be .... Cooking for a Community. Wishing you many blessings as we enjoy the rest of this season.
MacKinnon Island wildflower bouquet